
by Tom Kirchmeyer, SRA of Kirchmeyer Klips

As of August 1, 2011, we will be delivering UAD compliant appraisal reports to some of our lender clients that have requested an early start in order to get used to the new format. Appraisers are REQUIRED to submit UAD compliant appraisal reports on inspections effective September 1, 2011.

Here are a few more UAD FAQs:

Question: Where is the name of an AMC involved in an appraisal assignment reported?

Answer: The AMC name must be reported on Page 6 of the appraisal report in the “Name” field under “Lender/Client”. The “Lender/Client” field on Page 1 of the appraisal report should be used for the lender only.

My take: We will no longer require that this statement be included on the report: “This appraisal was completed for KA on behalf of [lender]”.

Question: The UAD requires the distance between the subject property and the comparable properties to be reported in miles with a directional indicator. How does this apply to properties that are located in the same building or in very close proximity to each other (i.e., the subject and the comparable property are condominium units located within the same building)?

Answer: In cases where the subject property and comparable property are located in the same building, the distance is to be reported in miles. However, in such cases a directional indicator is not required. For example, for condominium units located in the same building, the required distance for this field could be reported as “0 miles”, “0.0 miles” or “0.00 miles.” For properties that are located in very close proximity to each other, but not in the same building (such as adjoining properties or properties located across the street from each other), the distance is reported in miles with a directional indicator. For adjoining properties, a correct entry for the required distance and a directional indicator could be similar to the following examples: "0.01 mile W" or "0.04 mile NE."

My take: You will no longer see “same street” or “3 blocks north”.

Question: Can the UAD be applied to the other GSE appraisal report forms?

Answer: Yes. The UAD specifications may be applied to the other GSE appraisal forms, where applicable, if required by the client. However, an explanation of any standardized ratings/definitions, abbreviations, and formatting must be included in the appraisal report or an addendum.

My take: I think it’s a great idea to have the appraiser continue using the UAD Quality and Condition ratings on other non-UAD compliant forms such as the 2-4 family, co-op, and  manufactured home forms. As long as the appraiser includes the rating descriptions in the report, the lender and borrower will understand. I do think the new rating system for Q and C is better than the existing (old) system of average, average(+), fair, etc. And let's face facts: nobody ever truly understood what average meant!

Thomas J. Kirchmeyer, SRA is President of Kirchmeyer and Associates of Buffalo, NY. His Kirchmeyer Klips are popular with real estate professionals throughout the country. Click here for more information:
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